I can't update the information in the configuration section for a user of type Organizer and I can't either create an event.

RoyalTickets - Events Booking WordPress Theme RoyalTickets - Events Booking WordPress Theme January 20, 2022
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Christian Diaz
2 years ago

Hi Alex , yes it works now !!!

Tnahk you

Alex Gurghis Support Agent
2 years ago

Ho Christian,

It was a conflict with another plugin: Theme My Login. I deactivated it and it works now.

Yours sincerely

Alex Gurghis
WordPress Developer

Dribbble  Instagram  Envato

Christian Diaz
2 years ago

Hi Alex,

I can see the dashboard using the "Create Event" button then I can click in the link  of the word "here" in the Parragraph "Hi, <user>

Click here to add new event!".

I don't know if this is what you meant in the previous post.

Best Regards,

Alex Gurghis Support Agent
2 years ago

Hi Christian,

I see you do not have setup the front dashboard:

I would suggest to activate the front end dashboard for organizers and buyers too.

Yours sincerely

Alex Gurghis
WordPress Developer

Dribbble  Instagram  Envato

Christian Diaz
2 years ago

Hi Alex,

did you see something ? ...  I need to deploy this website to my costumer.

Best regards,


Christian Diaz
2 years ago


than you for reply me.

url: http://panaevento.com//wp-admin

User: p4n4r00t

Pwd: 4vJQ45lrs4.!

Best regards,

Alex Gurghis Support Agent
2 years ago

Hi Christian,

Please send me a link and login credentials to investigate the issue.

Yours sincerely

Alex Gurghis
WordPress Developer

Dribbble  Instagram  Envato

Christian Diaz
2 years ago

Hi ! This is the Console Log when the error appears.

Best regards,

Christian Diaz
2 years ago

I login to the account of an Organizer type user and when I try to update the information or also when try to create an event, an error message appears "A mismatch in a variable has been detected." on the main page, but in the title of the tab I get the error "Sorry, you do not have permission to view this item"Postscript:

The message that appears in the images sent is in Spanish, but in the body of the message I made the respective translation.