Rent a car reservation email

autoRoyal - Automotive WordPress Theme autoRoyal - Automotive WordPress Theme March 11, 2024
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Alex Gurghis Support Agent
6 months ago
You can use this plugin to translate the theme and you have to translate the autoRoyal plugin too:

Or you can modify the plugin files. The rent email is located in autoRoyal plugin -> includes -> autoroyal-core-functions.php from line 561

Yours sincerely

Alex Gurghis
WordPress Developer

Dribbble  Instagram  Envato
Pavle NIkitovic
6 months ago


this template: 

Car rent reservation

Rent details

Pickup date 06/01/2024 : undefined

Mesto samovыvoza Aerodrom Nikola Tesla, Beograd

Datum povratka 06/15/2024 : undefined

Mesto povratka Aerodrom Nikola Tesla, Beograd

Dana 14

Price per day €26

Dodatna oprema

Total Price €364

Name igor pera

Starost 28

Telefon +381642224466


Car Volkswagen Polo Automatic

Car Link

Alex Gurghis Support Agent
6 months ago
For rent or check availability?

Yours sincerely

Alex Gurghis
WordPress Developer

Dribbble  Instagram  Envato
Pavle NIkitovic
6 months ago

Ok, thanks

Also, where can we change email template? Need to translate labels to Serbian



Alex Gurghis Support Agent
6 months ago

In case of rent a car the email goes to website admin. For the case of dealership website the email goes to dealer if set if not than to admin.

In case you are not receiving the emails use WP Mail Logging plugin to see if the emails are sent or not by WordPress.

Yours sincerely

Alex Gurghis
WordPress Developer

Dribbble  Instagram  Envato
Pavle NIkitovic
6 months ago

Where can we change the email template and whrere do we set to what email address this email is sent to.